External Attack Surface Monitoring (EASM) Services

Your Shield Against the Digital Abyss

In an increasingly digital world, cyber threats lurk around every corner. Small to mid-sized companies, often lacking the robust security infrastructure of larger corporations, are particularly vulnerable. At Argelius Labs, we specialize in helping to safeguard your digital assets with our comprehensive External Attack Surface Monitoring (EASM) services. Our mission is to help our clients protect their organizations from malicious activities and data breaches by providing them with the highest level of security possible.

Our EASM Services Include:
Public Infrastructure Scanning: Regularly scan your public infrastructure to identify potential vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and exposed data.
Cloud Data Monitoring: Continuous monitor cloud data for sensitive information and proprietary secrets.
Breach Data Monitoring: Monitor and analyze terabytes of breach data and fresh data stealer logs to identify potential threats.
Typo-Squatted Domain Monitoring: Monitor for typo-squatted domains that may be used to deceive your customers or employees into revealing sensitive information.
Deep and Dark Web Monitoring: Monitor deep and dark web for compromised data, threats, or chatter about your organization.
Why Choose Argelius Labs?
Comprehensive Coverage: Our EASM services provide a 360-degree view of your external attack surface.
Expertise: With a small team of seasoned cybersecurity experts, we employ cutting-edge techniques and tools to protect your digital assets.
Proactive Approach: We believe in proactive rather than reactive security. By continuously monitoring your digital landscape, we preemptively identify and mitigate risks before they escalate.
Timely Reports: Receive regular reports in plain English that highlight potential vulnerabilities, suspicious activities, and recommended actions, all prioritized.
Cost-Effective: Our services are competitively priced, so even small to mid-sized companies can afford top-notch security.

Protecting your digital assets is not just a necessity; it’s a responsibility. Partner with Argelius Labs and fortify your defenses against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.
Argelius Labs - Your Trusted Partner in Cybersecurity.

Additional Services

Executive Threat Assessment

A thorough assessment covering digital and physical components including social media, public records breach data and more.

Reputation Analysis

A thorough reputation assessment including social media and other sources.

Keynote Speaker

In addition to 21 years of experience in federal law enforcement, Matt is a certified SANS instructor with knack for explaining complex technical topics in understandable terms. Matt has extensive experiance speaking for Fortune 500 clients and at confrences including Blackhat.

M&A Due Diligence

Merger and acquisition due diligence and infrastructure evaluations.

OSINT Consulting

We have experience starting and running OSINT/Threat Intelligence teams for both government agencies and Fortune 500 companies. We can help you understand pitfalls that should be avoided as well as best practices to enhance both effectiveness, and operational security.